Wasa Future Festival was held in  Wasa Innovation Center on 5.8. & 11.-14.8.2021. On the last day a Space Saturday segment was presented by the Kvarken Space Economy project. You can watch all the presentations from this Youtube-link. It starts in the beginning of the Space segment.

What is Kvarken Space Center?

Heidi Kuusniemi  Director, Professor, University of Vaasa

Kendall Rutledge Project Manager, Novia University of Applied Sciences

Jari Ratilainen Incubator Manager, Design Center Muova, VAMK

KvarkenSat satellite mission

René Laufer Professor, Head of Subject, Luleå University of Technology (Sweden)

Economic Forecasting from Space

Mikko Ranta Assistant Professor (tenure track), University of Vaasa

Kvarken Space Conversations

Antti Kinnunen Project Researcher, University of Vaasa