Space Business Learning Café

By Johanna Haveri

Kvarken Space Center at the Wasa Future Festival Welcome to the Space Business Learning Café at the Wasa Future Festival in August to learn more and discuss the matter with other persons interested in space and business. You might find a spark that makes your ideas fly! 🚀 Space Business Learning Café: What kind of…

Senior Journalists Visited Kvarken Space Center

By Johanna Haveri

Senior Members of the Local Journalist Association Visited Kvarken Space Center Today, senior members of the local journalist association visited us at the Space Data Lab. These retired journalists were interested in space research and space projects conducted at the University of Vaasa. They were very good in making interesting questions – it must be…

The Space Projects Were Showcased at EnergyWeek 

By Johanna Haveri

As for Vaasa University’s space projects, EnergyWeek commenced on Tuesday, March 12, 2024, even though the event itself began on Monday.  Project managers and researchers from the Digital Economy research platform were present at Vaasa University’s booth on Tuesday morning, sharing information about various projects related to space data and technology. The atmosphere in the…

Kvarken Space Center and AuroraSpace participated in the WSW2024

By Johanna Haveri

A group of representatives from Kvarken Space Center and AuroraSpace project participated in the Winter Satellite Workshop held in Espoo, Finland at the end of January. The workshop, organized yearly by Aalto University, brings together experts, researchers, students, and representatives from companies and finance sectors to discuss the latest developments in space technology, remote sensing, and earth observation. This…

Student Satellite Workshop

By Johanna Haveri

Student satellite workshop for Vaasa 7th graders at WIC Jaakko Yliaho and Kendall Rutledge presenting Kvarken Space Center for 7th graders at Wasa Innovation Center. Borgaregatans skola, Wasa Innovation Center (WIC), Kvarken Space Center, together with LUMA Center Pohjanmaa and Skolresurs arranged a Satellite Workshop for Borgaregatans skola’s 7th graders at the end of May…