The Kvarken Space Economy organised a waste management themed business development workshop in Vaasa

The EU Interreg Botnia-Atlantica project called Kvarken Space Economy organised a business development workshop on waste management in Vaasa region. The workshop was organised in a hybrid mode with 18 participants and included energy and circular economy as components of the waste management sector. The goal of the workshop was to establish new business opportunities supported or initiated by space-based data. This for example means new products, services or internal tools and processes for companies. The workshop participants were local start-ups, companies, researchers, and case companies.

The business development workshop focused on both domestic and foreign waste management industry’s markets, challenges, and different customer needs. The workshop included an introduction to the theme by Kvarken Space Economy team, Jari Ratilainen (Project Manager, Vaasa University of Applied Sciences and Design Centre MUOVA & West Coast Startup), and Antti Kinnunen (Project Researcher, University of Vaasa). Then case companies, Fortum, Stormossen and Westenergy provided a set of challenges for the participants where opportunities for new innovation could emerge via innovative data solutions.

After the introductions, the participants focused on the case challenges provided by the waste management companies. The solution-oriented participants were able to interview and discuss with the case companies in order to start planning their proposals.

After the meeting, a few discussions with the local companies were taken forward. The second outcome was, that new connections were made, and the New Space theme was introduced to new group of actors. These business development workshops are perfect opportunity to start-ups, companies, organisations, and researchers to get connected. These activities are in the core of the Kvarken Space Center’s ecosystem build-up and future development. The Kvarken Space Economy project aims to organise a second business development workshop in 2022.